
Chromebooks get built-in screen recorder: See it in action | Laptop Mag

Chromebooks get congenital-in screen recorder: See information technology in activeness

Asus Chromebook Flip C434
(Image credit: Laptop Mag)

Chromebooks have been admittedly vital for remote learning over the last yr and Google continues to improve on the tools available to educators and students on the Chrome Os platform.

Google appear in its blog that a new update coming in March will evangelize dozens of additional software features including a built-in screen recorder and enhanced accessibility features alongside more than 40 new Chromebooks coming this year (via Engadget).

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Google had little to say about the new hardware other than suggesting that there will be a considerable variety of options including Chromebooks with stylus support, dual-cameras, touchscreens and LTE connectivity. Presumably, they are leaving that upwardly to the hardware manufacturers to reveal and nosotros'll certainly bring yous the news of the latest Chromebooks as soon as they launch. Fortunately, Google was much more forthcoming on its own software.

One of the most notable is the addition of a congenital-in screen recorder, an incredibly useful tool for teachers and students trying to illustrate a specific task on their Chromebook. As you can see in the GIF below, it functions a lot like the standard screen capture tool with the ability to select the unabridged screen or only a specific window or portion of the screen. It volition and so requite you a tape button in the heart of the screen and display a inaugural until you are live.

Chrome OS native screen recorder

(Paradigm credit: Google)

ChromeVox is the screen reader that is already included in Chrome OS, which was originally intended specifically for users with some form of visual harm, but it has also proven to be an asset for many other education users besides. The feature is getting a number of updates in March to bring improved tutorials to assist become started, the ability to search its menus, and more natural voice switching when reading unlike languages.

Google Run into is getting some attention besides with enhancements to audio, video and reliability reportedly coming as part of the March update. Google Classroom as well with improved grade entry, pupil engagement tracking, ameliorate offline support and easier image handling. At that place are over 50 updates in full centered effectually education coming to the platform as office of this update.

While not everyone loves Chromebooks, they accept quickly become the de facto device when it comes to pedagogy and Google certainly appears to be doing everything in its ability to keep it that way.

Sean Riley has been roofing tech professionally for over a decade now. Nearly of that time was as a freelancer covering varied topics including phones, wearables, tablets, smart home devices, laptops, AR, VR, mobile payments, fintech, and more.  Sean is the resident mobile expert at Laptop Mag, specializing in phones and wearables, you'll find plenty of news, reviews, how-to, and stance pieces on these subjects from him here. But Laptop Mag has also proven a perfect fit for that broad range of interests with reviews and news on the latest laptops, VR games, and computer accessories along with coverage on everything from NFTs to cybersecurity and more.


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